🤔 Thinking face

Thinking face


The Thinking face emoji 🤔 shows a face with a raised eyebrow, a slight frown, and a hand resting on its chin, as if deep in thought. This emoji is often used to express someone pondering or considering something, indicating a moment of contemplation. It can also suggest skepticism or doubt about a particular idea or situation. Visually, it’s quite distinct from other face emojis due to its hand-on-chin gesture, which universally signifies thinking or questioning. Compared to the 😔 Pensive face or the 😕 Confused face, the 🤔 Thinking Face is more focused on the act of thinking itself rather than the emotional state behind it. This emoji is versatile and can be used in various contexts, from light-hearted pondering about what snack to eat next to more serious contemplation about life decisions.

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