🀐 Zipper-mouth face

Zipper-mouth face


The Zipper-mouth face emoji 🀐 represents a face with a zipper instead of a mouth, suggesting silence or the act of keeping a secret. It’s often used when someone wants to convey that they’re not willing or supposed to talk about something. Visually, it’s a yellow face with raised eyebrows and a closed zipper for a mouth, which makes it unique among other face emojis. Unlike the 🀫 Shushing face emoji which suggests silence in a polite manner, the Zipper-Mouth Face emoji 🀐 is more about an imposed silence or a personal choice to keep quiet. It can also imply a refusal to gossip or share information that is considered confidential. This emoji is perfect for situations where words are better left unsaid or when someone is sworn to secrecy. It’s a visual way of saying, “My lips are sealed,” without using words.

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