❌ Cross mark

Cross mark


The Cross mark emoji ❌ is a symbol that is often used to represent a mistake, error, or something that is incorrect. It visually looks like a red X and is commonly used to indicate that something is wrong, needs to be corrected, or is not allowed. This emoji can be seen in various contexts, such as on tests or quizzes to mark an incorrect answer, in text messages or online to show disagreement or disapproval, and in signs to indicate that something is not permitted. Unlike the βœ”οΈ Check mark emoji, which signifies approval or correctness, the ❌ Cross Mark emoji conveys the opposite message. It’s a straightforward way to express negation, rejection, or the need for correction. The Cross Mark ❌ emoji is versatile and can be used in both formal and informal settings, making it a useful tool for communication.

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