πŸ™‹ Person raising hand

Person raising hand


The πŸ™‹ Person raising hand emoji represents a person with their hand up, as if asking a question or volunteering for something. This emoji can convey a sense of curiosity, eagerness, or a desire to participate. Visually, it depicts a person with one arm raised straight up, sometimes shown with a burst of light to signify the action of raising a hand. This emoji can be used in various contexts, such as in classrooms, meetings, or any situation where someone might want to signal that they have something to say or ask. Compared to related emojis like πŸ™Œ Raising hands or βœ‹ Raised hand, πŸ™‹ Person raising hand emoji specifically signifies the act of raising one’s hand to speak or ask, rather than celebrating or signaling stop. It’s a versatile emoji that can be used to show involvement or the willingness to engage in a conversation.

Skin tones variations

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