🤷 Person shrugging

Person shrugging


The 🤷 Person shrugging emoji represents a sense of indifference, uncertainty, or lack of knowledge about a particular topic. It visually depicts a person raising both shoulders, which is a common gesture for indicating that one doesn’t know the answer to a question or doesn’t care about the outcome of a situation. This emoji can be used in various contexts, such as responding to a question when you don’t know the answer, showing that you’re unsure about something, or expressing a lack of concern about an issue. Compared to related emojis like the 🤔 Thinking face, which suggests deep thought or consideration, the Person Shrugging 🤷 emoji is more about expressing a casual or nonchalant attitude. It’s a versatile emoji that can convey a range of emotions from confusion to indifference, making it a popular choice for casual conversations.

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